Her-registrasi Semester Genap Tahun 2022/2023
Unduh Pengumuman Her Genap 2022/2023
UAS Semester Ganjil 2022/2023
Ujian Akhir Semester
Verval Ijazah
Perlu kami beritahukan bahwa pelaporan data Perguruan Tinggi melalui sistem PDDIKTI antara lain : Prodi Umum dibawah Kemendikbud, dimulai tahun masuk/angkatan 2002. Prodi Agama dibawah Kemenag, dimulai tahun masuk/angkatan 2014.…
Ujian Tengah Semester (Smt. Gasal 2022/2023)
A company limited by guarantee of user and customer.
They may receive additional care resources, like more attention from doctors. So without wasting any more time, let’s get on to it. First up: Let’s look at some of the…
How to make your website perform faster.
The flight represents a breakthrough in "ionic wind" technology, which uses a powerful electric field.If you find a better idea it’s important for a company to take actions immediate otherwise…
The subtle art that differentiates good designers from great.
The flight represents a breakthrough in "ionic wind" technology, which uses a powerful electric field.. able to clearly communicate to your customers what your services are, how they are different…
Herregistrasi Semester Gasal 2022-2023
http://baak.unisma.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Her-Gj-2022-2023.pdf Infor Seputar Penerimaan Mahasiswa baru 2022/2023
Rencana Evaluasi Mata Kuliah
Link pengumpulan Rencana Evaluasi Mata Kuliah dapat Diakses di Sini. Sebelum Bapak Ibu mengisi formulir tersebut, pastikan bapak Ibu melengkapi Isian sesuai template yang disediakan dalam bentuk File Word dan…